Craig Peterson's Tech Talk

Being Green Now Includes New Nuclear Plants - It's The Only Solution



Being Green Now Includes New Nuclear Plants - It's The Only Solution Whether or not, you believe there is a climate crisis or this man caused the only thing that's been constant here on earth has been change. And particularly the weather it's been much hotter and much colder than it is right now. I do believe that we have climate crises from time to time. [00:00:24]We know that there were cavemen and women living during the ice age. And I think they might call that a crisis. We've also had times where people. We're going and having a great life, the garden of Eden, you might think where the carbon dioxide levels were much higher than they are today. And that means the plants were greener. [00:00:49] They grew more verdun to everything else. Okay. So there is a whole lot of change and it's been going on for. Now the statistics I've seen that make a lot of sense to me, show that there is warming going on. Now that doesn't mean that we're not going to about to drop into an ice age or mini ice age. Heck we had on