Craig Peterson's Tech Talk

Using Bootleg Software? It May Have Come With Vigilante Malware



Well, you probably know again here, because you're the best and brightest, what a vigilante is. Well, I bet you haven't really heard about this type of vigilante before, and it is causing havoc for as many as 40% of computers. [00:00:17]Well, vigilantes have throughout history decided that they were going to take the launch of their own hands. [00:00:24] Now, way back when there wasn't law enforcement, et cetera, that's just what you did. And then we ended up with the tribes and our tribes would decide, okay, what's going to happen to this person. And you know, one of the worst things that could possibly happen way back. Caveman days. And after frankly, the worst thing that could happen to you is getting banished because having a group of people who are living together, cooperating together, working together makes all of the difference when it comes to survive. [00:01:00] And being kicked out of that tribe out of that group meant you had a very low chance of long-term survival. And if you went into another gr