Enlightened By Dogs With Kathy Kawalec

EBD056 The Arousal Protocol for Dogs



Safe, calm and happy. Last week’s talk with Sue Mimm brought up the idea that the more time we spend safe, calm and happy, the safer, calmer and happier we’ll be! It sounds simple and logical enough, so why are we in a constant battle with ourselves and our dogs to be happy? Kathy takes us deeper into the topic this week, and sheds light on a few key elements we might be missing, as well as what safe, calm and happy actually means to our dogs. What makes them feel safe? What calms them? What makes them happy? There are so many exciting things happening when it comes to spreading the message of brilliant partnership with our dogs, and this week’s episode of Enlightened By Dogs is no exception!   How the partnership ripples are spreading throughout the world Circling back to the safe, calm and happy talk with Sue Mimm The key quadrants of the trust accelerator What does calm actually mean from one dog to another?   “Brilliant partners think a lot about building and protecting trust and confidence ... ours an