Enlightened By Dogs With Kathy Kawalec

EBD037 Why Dog Training Is Failing



Kathy starts out this episode with a personal thanks to listener CarolC64 who left a rating and heartfelt comment on the last episode. Our host reminds us that any person who rates or comments can be featured on future episodes as a shout out! In this episode of Enlightened by Dogs podcast Kathy gets passionate and serious about the biggest myths in dog training: Training makes our lives better Excessive training confuses our dogs The dogs will try hard to make the correct choices or magic combination of steps, but this can result in Frantic behavior Completely emotionally check out I only wish I was a better trainer or had more time to train behavior would be better   Serious dog enthusiasts understand that our dogs are not condition/response machines. (and don’t want them to be.) They understand that there are so many more sciences at work than the simple behavioral sciences which is why the partnership approach works best. It gives the highest level of effectiveness, connectedness, and is holisti