Pitching Pr

041: The Art of a New Biz Pitch: 5 Insights



In this episode of the Pitching PR podcast, I'm sharing some of my top five insights for creating new business pitches that win over prospective clients. In 2018 I worked on over 50 presentations decks and as of this recording I've worked on over 25 in 2019. So I like to think that I've seen and worked on a good cross-section of PR tactics, processes, insight development and styles of presentations. In this episode, I'm going to share five creative insights, so you win your next business pitch. Insight One: Create it Custom Insight Two: Don't DIY Design Insight Three: Fake It Till You Make It Insight Four: The Medium Is the Message Insight Five: Be Extra Relevant Links: www.PitchGraphicDesign.com https://www.instagram.com/pitchgraphicdesign/