Morgan James Radio - Book Publishing | Writing | Book Marketing | Authors

You Can't Judge a Book by it's Cover - but We All Do



Today’s episode is all about your book cover. But to get there you’ll hear our Show facilitator, Jody Maberry, pull out the incredible story of bringing in that passion and enthusiasm of our founder, and host, David Hancock and the why that is the beginning of the best covers. Covers are the first thing your audience sees. It is as important as the content you share. Your cover must look as good or better than the books to the left and the right of your book on the shelves.   We all do judge books by the covers. We also have to have an emotional reaction to the cover even before the text of the title is even read. It must be able to do that from even ten feet away! Which is how it looks as a thumbnail on your favorite bookseller’s website. Help your readers find their right path by helping them find the right emotion with the perfect cover.