At Home With Sally

Episode #84: 10 Gifts of Heart - A Heart for Faith with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill



Episode #84 "A spiritual life isn't a list of rules to keep, it is living in the spirit of the living God." -sally Clarkson In this episode, Sally and Kristen encourage moms to introduce their children not just to the truths of God, but to His reality in their lives, by showing them the ways that God has entered into their family story personally. They share how the life you create in your home can communicate the reality of God everyday, and inspire a wonder and imagination for God's kingdom in their hearts.  Here's a printable to help your family memorize this week's Bible verse: Week One Bible Memory You can print our June calendar by clicking here to download! June Lifegiving Calendar Have you ever wondered how to begin the habit of a personal quiet time? Its wonderful to want to invest in the truths of God's word and to simply spend time with Him, but often , its difficult to begin because we think there are certain expectations involved and a list of tasks to complete. So, today, we also asked our frien