Box Press

From the Gut and Stubborn—How Matt Booth, Room101 Brands Rolls Ep.42



Hear how the U.S. Marine Corp. changed his life and primed him for the entrepreneurial journey that was ahead. Hit up a Room101 Hit and Run and lose yourself in this steam-of-consciousness interview with cigar man, Matt Booth presented by Boveda. Pay attention, follow your “belly radar” and pivot. “My business should have failed a hundred times over,” the founder of Room101 brands told Rob Gagner at the 2021 Tobacco Plus Expo in Las Vegas. Call it kismet. Call it tenacity. Call it intuition. Matt knows how and when to call it. From boutique cigars to stylized humidors. From Room101 urinal pads to bespoke custom bling worn by the likes of Snoop Dogg, DeAndre Jordan and Guy Fieri. Just try to predict Room101’s next gig. Matt stepped away from the cigar game and Davidoff in 2017. He’s launched a comeback with AJ Fernandez and Caldwell collaborating on new cigar lines, such as Doomsayer, Farce and The T. His Room101 cigar knives and cigar lighters make great statement gifts for the edgier cigar lover. Pres