Rachel & Sam Read A Story

The Day the Crayons Quit



You know who has it rough? Day in and day out, they just get furiously rubbed, face-first, onto sheets of paper while slowly being worn down into a bare nubbin' before being tossed fully into the trash? Erasers. Also crayons. And y'know what? Today, these crayons decided to speak up for their rights! Because they deserve to have them! And man, some of these colors are, like, SUPER needy. Except for Green. Green is a solid bro. Rachel & Sam Read a Story is about the fun of reading children's books new and old, and also about how little sense these books make when you read them 20 years later. We read the books aloud and make fun of them as we go. Enjoy! Follow Sam (@SamGasch) or follow Rachel (@Sknowite). Either way, please subscribe!