Maybe Someday

Healing difficult relationships (with Karen CL Anderson)



  Karen Anderson doesn’t remember a time that she ever wanted to have children. She just assumed she'd have them anyway. She thought she’d go to college, meet a guy, get married, and have kids. Cause that’s what you do, right? When she had an unwanted pregnancy in her senior year of college, she decided to have an abortion. Karen is now 56 and has been married for 21 years to a man who has three (now adult) children. When she met her now-husband and fell in love with him, it was such a relief for her to learn that he didn’t want more kids. Karen reached out to me by telling me than in the years since her abortion she has explored, deeply and on many levels, the hows and whys of who she is and why she didn't want to have children. Part of that exploration led her to healing her relationship with her "difficult" mother (and writing a book about it, for other women who have difficult relationships with their mothers). And it led her to explore and to write about the truth of her relationship with her husband's e