Maybe Someday

Queering parenthood (with Bon Jon)



Bon Jon is a self-described queer feral cat. A few weeks ago, in a hot, cramped sound booth at the Vancouver Public Library, I sat down with Bon for a long conversation about gender, parenthood, and family. Bon identifies as genderqueer and goes by the pronouns they/their/theirs. I asked Bon to share some of their insights about gender and parenthood, family, and being childfree by choice—but as you’ll hear - Bon is a natural interviewer and they pretty much ended up interviewing me. What I loved so much about our conversation, beyond Bon’s gentle, insightful approach to queering parenthood, is that it was a great reflection on the first season of Maybe Someday and helps set the stage for our new season. You can find Bon over on Instagram (@bonnbury). They just released a new podcast called Gender Blender (#genderblenderpodcast) - look it up! It's amazing.