Go Hunt Life

E022 Michigan Couple Sells Everything to Sail the World - Jessica Johnson



Matt and Jessica Johnson, Ripcorders and life hunters from Grand Rapids Michigan, had normal lives, with normal jobs living the normal life. They dated, then they got married, they bought a house, they went to work, Matt a sales manager at a Toyota dealership and Jessica was a customer service rep. They came home from work, they shoveled snow in the winter, a lot of snow in the winter, and then something changed. They learned how to sail a boat in the few summer months on Lake Michigan. The inspiration took hold, they sold everything they owned and got on their sailboat with $100K in savings to hit the Caribbean islands for a year of sailing and self-discovery. That was 4 years ago and they are still going. They’ve hit 16 countries throughout the Caribbean islands, Central America and even crossed the Atlantic in a 34 foot sailboat stopping in Bermuda and then on to Portugal. While in Portugal, they bought a 37 foot sailboat online back in Florida so they had to cross back over the Atlantic to get to the next