Go Hunt Life

E017 Bootstrapping and Bootlegging Austin's First Tequila - Scott Willis of Tequila 512



Scott Willis, Entrepreneur and Founder of Tequila 512, was working a normal job and raising his family all while trying to startup the impossible. Scott was working for a technology company in sales and every waking hour outside of work, he was tackling the infinite amount of red tape that it took to create a liquor company in Texas. The balancing act was taking a toll on his life and reached a breaking point at the Austin airport. Scott was boarding a flight to Mexico to work on his company when his wife pressed him to quit his job and go all in...at that exact moment. As they are calling his name over the speaker to get on the plane, he called his boss and officially quit his job. He stepped on that flight a full-time entrepreneur in an industry that is completely set up to not help the little guy. He was battling the giants in the liquor industry. Starting a tequila company is so much harder than you can ever imagine. There are hurdles in every aspect of it. - Scott Willis Since his ripcord moment at the