Go Hunt Life

E005 Kristina Pescatore - IBM Cubicle Dweller to Organic Chocolate Company Founder



Kristina Pescatore was following the rules. She graduated from the University of Texas and landed a great job with IBM. But the steady salary with a Fortune 100 company wasn't clicking with her. After 3 years of working for one of the largest corporations in the country, she walked in and quit without much of a plan. She realized that she had the power to create her own life path so she jumped on planes and started traveling the world. While in Hawaii, the Kilikina's Chocolat idea was born. Now, 4 years later she is the Founder and Chief Chocolatier of her own organic chocolate company with flavors like Maca 'Cream' Delight, Divine Union Bar and Lavendar Rose. She is melding (and melting) Ecuadorian cacao into an organic, gluten free and raw chocolate masterpiece.  We discuss... How and why she went against everyone's advice and quit her first job out of college to follow her entrepreneurial and spiritual dreams. When the idea of founding an organic chocolate company was born. The intricacies of actually maki