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Follow up to Fear



In this episode Scott expands more on fear and how men can face it head-on. We wrap this week's episode with a challenge. 1) Courage is not the absence of fear, courage is action in spite of fear. What thoughts, situations, or concerns create the most fear in you? What fears paralyze you to inaction? 2) The pathway to courage is vulnerability. C.S. Lewis once said, “To love at all is to be vulnerable.” So if vulnerability is the power by which men push through to courage, why are we afraid to place ourselves in positions of vulnerability? 3) Why do men view vulnerability as a weakness and not a strength? What areas of your life are you least willing to be vulnerable? 4) It is easier to abdicate responsibility than to carry it. What responsibilities at home, work, and with friends do you find the most burdensome? 5) Brene Brown shares examples of vulnerability such as: Voicing an unpopular opinion, asking for help, saying no, starting my own business, initiating sex with my wife, calling a friend whose child h