Locker Room

Chad Pennington, Part 2



This is the wrap up of Scott and Chad’s conversation. Men are shaped dramatically between the ages of 12 and 20. Looking back, for good or ill, what are some significant ways you were formed in those years of your life? What was lacking for you? What was invested or built into you in a good way and who made those deposits? Talk about ways you might be able to invest in the lives of young men. Many lessons learned early in life become important to lifelong success. Chad found a way to allow the game of football to help develop people. How can you do that through a game? Or your work? Or through the role(s) you fill in your home? When we get deeply involved in something—in a game, our work, school—we can find aspects of what we do get woven into our identity. We heard some great advice in this podcast: “Separate what you do from who you are.” Until 2007, the game of football was Chad’s “god”. So the Lord had to take the joy in it away for a time, until it was put in its proper place. Chad even said he was the