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Reflections on Jordan Peterson With Jon and Scott



Scott and Jon attended one of Jordan Peterson’s lectures. In this episode they share their thoughts on the message Jordan Peterson brings to men. Discussion Questions: Before this podcast had you heard of Jordan Peterson? Had you heard about his opposition to legislation, his lectures, or his book 12 Rules of Life? A lot of young men are drawn to Peterson because of our need for someone who will speak truth into our lives and provide us with high challenge. Why do men gravitate to that? Do you see this “father-hunger” void show up in other areas? Read 1 Corinthians 4:14. Who would you say have been spiritual guides or spiritual fathers in your life? Jon and Scott talked about wrestling, hunting, sports, etc. There seems to be an innate physicality to boys and men, do you agree or disagree? Why? Read John 5:19-20, 8:28. What can we learn from Jesus’ relationship with his Father? Share what you think about Peterson’s quote, “If you want to make dangerous men, make weak boys.” C.S. Lewis said, “We make men with