Locker Room

The Issues Men Face with Jennifer Wallace



Jennifer is the first female guest on Locker Room! In this episode she shares with us some of what she's learned about men through many years of counseling. Jennifer Wallace says that her job consists of “listening to people's stories.” Take a moment to think about the high point and low point of your past week. Share your story. The number one reason men do not seek help is because of pride; we are unwilling to look weak. How is this true for you, specifically? Our struggles today are rooted in our past. Either we did not receive things we should have, or things were done to us that should not have been. Which has affected you more? How? Recently men have been more willing to come forth and admit to Jennifer that they need help because they are “tired of feeling stuck.” Where and why do you feel stuck? In what area of your life have you settled for the lie that “things are never going to change?” (example: relationships, career, addictions) Why do you believe this? Common obstacles that keep men from gettin