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Extending Grace with Ross Barnette



Ross has been a member at Southland for many years and is chairman of the elder team. Ross talks about what it looks like to extend grace to others out of the grace that's been extended to him. Ross mentioned “difference makers” along his path that he can look back and see was God continually pursuing him. Coaches, guidance counselors, friend’s parents, etc. Who have been “difference makers” in your life? Extending grace to lost and broken people is our mission. How does Jesus demonstrate that for us? (Romans 5:6-11 & 1 John 4:10) Because of the grace we’ve received, we get to give that to others. Do you hold non-Christians to the same standard as Christians? What’s the difference between condoning sinful behavior and extending grace? Ross said never think of people as projects or think you’re better than others. What can we do to cultivate that mindset and outlook? (Romans 12:2) Everyone has a sphere of influence. Who would you say is in your sphere of influence currently? How are you building relations