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Business and Ministry with Kurt Braun



Kurt Braun has one of the coolest titles ever! He also has an amazing life story. Scott and Kurt discuss the unique challenges Kurt has faced from being in New York on 911 to making the transition from the business world to full time ministry. Group Questions: A huge part of Kurt Braun’s testimony is being in New York City on 9/11. Where were you on that day and what do you remember about the day and following week? When you hear the word “finances,” what is your first reaction? Do you have peace or anxiety? Do you feel like you have financial freedom and stability, or financial fear and uncertainty? Before Kurt came on staff at Southland, he was a Christian man working in the business world, and had some encounters where his faith and work were opposing one another. have you ever  been in that situation? What did you learn? What tensions do you face at your specific job where you find yourself being torn between maintaining integrity and excelling at work? Because of his interactions in NYC on 9/11, Kurt sa