

Help Lead the Conversation. Join us on Facebook and share your Big Vision.   Today I want to take you to the next level in the process.  And for me this is an exciting place to be.  You've been telling your story and now it's time to Shine your Spotlight Strength.  To step out in faith (yes, your purpose and calling is a faith walk) with a renewed confidence and energy of your unique influence and vision.   Here are 3 questions I want to you ask yourself.   1. Who are you here to influence? 2. Where can you influence with the greatest impact and change (or transformation)? 3. What is your highest perceived value? (Ask others) Your highest perceived value is what some people refer to as your Sweet Spot.  That place where your passions, your purpose, and your skills, gifts, talents, and abilities all converge. You are going to begin to step into the next level with greater focus, higher perceived value than ever before, and a joy that fills you up like never before. When you stay in your lane, and focus