Pixel Beat

[034] A Classic Final Fantasy Story



About: We’re trying something a little different with this episode! We’ll be taking you on a journey through the first six games in the Final Fantasy series, however, we’ve organised them in such a way that hopefully it will feel as though you are experiencing an entire Final Fantasy-like journey from beginning to end through a selection of carefully chosen theme tracks, with a few sound effects thrown in along the way. 00:00 - Prelude [Final Fantasy IV] by Nobuo Uematsu > 01:28 - Opening [Final Fantasy V] by Nobuo Uematsu > 05:54 - Awakening [Final Fantasy VI] by Nobuo Uematsu > 07:33 - Kids Run Through The City Corner [Final Fantasy VI] by Nobuo Uematsu > 10:13 - Four Hearts [Final Fantasy V] by Nobuo Uematsu > 11:52 - Into The Darkness [Final Fantasy IV] by Nobuo Uematsu > 13:36 - Battle Theme [Final Fantasy VI] by Nobuo Uematsu > 15:26 - Victory [Final Fantasy] by Nobuo Uematsu > 16:01 - The Rebel Army [Final Fantasy II] by Nobuo Uematsu > 17:12 - Eternal Wind [Final Fantasy III