Russell Prue

Russell Chats With Kevin Brennan MP



As part of our Naace Radio activities I got the opportunity to chat with Kevin Brennan MP – Shadow Schools Minister (Cardiff West) after his opening keynote speech at the Naace Strategic Conference in March. We’ve had lots of requests to make the interview available separately. I listened to Kevin’s speech to conference and I can honestly say I haven’t heard such informed passion since listening to a former SoS for Education Estelle Morris now Baroness Morris. I think the conviction comes from having been a practitioner and there is clearly no substitute for classroom experience. Perhaps this should be a future key requirement for any SoS for Education. I’m pretty sure that this is an interview with the next SoS for Education! To listen to any of the Naace Radio Shows please visit my SoundCloud Set here The interview was recorded using my amazing low-cost School Radio equipment over a Skype In connection using the PSTN. The Anderton Tiger HUB is