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Lekutey Maharan #65 |(Part #1) Soul Corrections | Shaya Sussman, LCSW



In this class we begin lesson #65 in Lekutey Maharan. This is Rebbe Nachman's main lesson on suffering. What is a Tikkun Neshama? Why do we suffer? How can we mitigate suffering? In this lesson we also speak about how there is a Tikkun for everything. Sources: Sichos HaRan #23 Lekutey Maharan Lesson #65 _ Click here for Instagram: For my YouTube Channel Shaya Sussman Counseling click here: _ Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) Masters in Education with a special focus on Leadership (MA) Certified Addictions and Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC-T) Rabbinical Ordination (Smicha)