Nachdaily: 5 Minute Perek Of Tanach Covering The Entire Navi. Sefer Yehoshua, Shoftim, Shmuel, Melachim, Yeshaya, Yirmiya, Ye

Breslov: (7) Lekutey Maharan Torah 7; Emunah's & Tefila's Power of Renewal



In this class we begin lesson #7 in Sefer Likutey Maharan. Topics include: A) Emunah B) Tefila C) Exile & Redemption. Galus & Geula D) Finding your own pathway / Tribe for prayer F) Parsha Connection Shemos: The beginning of Sefer Shemos hints to the pathway of fnidng your name / true identity through Tehilim. This shows how each person can find their deeper nature and trueselves through the power of personal prayer. Which in return will bring the redemption. If your interested in finding out more. Click here for my website: Click here for my YouTube Channel: Follow me on Instagram! For free downloadable Breslov books Click here: I hope you all enjoy!