Deschool Yourself With Zak Slayback And Jeff Till

DSY 4 - The infliction of 15,000 hours of schooling



In this episode we go deep into what wounds and damages school likely had on you. Contents include: The grim reality of what it is and what it does Schooling’s history - Your own (and everyone’s) generational history Schooling’s true purpose in creating soldiers and workers - Indoctrination - Ruining critical thinking - Creating dependence The institutions that are fighting for it: - You parents - Your neighbors - Your peers - Your school system - The industrial and service economy - The government The ten lessons of schooling (note: write these in how they are inflicted upon the reader) Gatto’s seven lessons of school: - Confusion - Class position - Indifference - Emotional dependency - Intellectual dependency - Provisional self esteem - Constant surveillance (One can’t hide) Veinotte’s three lessons of school: - Apathy – Covered this one with Gatto’s indifference - Obedience - Conformity Other damaging effects (these could be reordered or categorized) How we learn and our relationship to knowledge wi