Extreme Genes - America's Family History And Genealogy Radio Show & Podcast

Ep. 67 - The First Thanksgiving Menu and Records from the War of 1812



  In Fisher's opening segment, Fisher reveals that many listeners indicated they had direct ancestors who died in their teens and 20s.  In Family Histoire News, Fisher talks about Jeremy Guthrie, a Japanese-American who recently pitched in the World Series for the Kansas City Royals.  Guthrie was on an All-Star tour of Japan and used a day off to connect with distant cousins his family had never met.  Hear how it all came together.  Next was the story of a mother and daughter who both gave birth on the same day!  Then, hear about the few dozen children of Civil War soldiers who are still among us, and their memories of their fathers.  It's amazing to think it's even possible, but it is!   David Allen Lambert of the New England Historic Genealogical Society then joins Fisher to talk about the War of 1812.  Did you know that service of only a couple of weeks could get you a pension for that war?  David is loaded with great information on the war itself, as well as what records are currently available and which