Extreme Genes - America's Family History And Genealogy Radio Show & Podcast

Ep. 62 - Finding Family History Gold!



  Fisher opens the show with news of an exhibit in New York of one particular Chinese-American family, and the trials they have overcome as they became part of mainstream America.  Also... European "heritage travel" is becoming a booming business in places like Scandinavia and Scotland.  Want to take reindeer herding lessons to commemorate your heritage?  They're waiting for you!   Then... while a lot of family history can take years... even a lifetime... to find, we sometimes forget some items are just underneath our noses!  Phil Devitt, a news editor in Fall River, Massachusetts recently learned that as he found his great grandfather's police journal for 1921.  Phil describes what triggered his interest in his law enforcing ancestor and how the journal wound up in his hands.   Then, Heath Jones, our friend from "Task Force History" in Alabama returns.  He and his friends have been searching the property his family has owned for over 150 years for artifacts left behind by his ancestors.  Last time they found