Extreme Genes - America's Family History And Genealogy Radio Show & Podcast

Ep. 59 - Changes coming to Ancestry.com and Women Find Family History Treasures in Old House



  Fisher opens the show with a great family story about his wife's uncle, a cell phone, and a funeral!  In Family Histoire News for this week, Fisher tells you about Laura Berry of BBC 1 and her list of Top 10 Family History Apps.  We guarantee you don't know them all!  Then, a man in Michigan went to digitize old home movies belonging to his grandparents from 1941.  You won't believe what they saw, and who wanted to have it.   Mimi McDonald-Hartnett of New Jersey joins the show to tell her story of a house cleaning.  The home, in Jersey City, New Jersey had once belonged to her late grandparents, and most recently belonged to her late aunt.  Mimi and her sisters went to work cleaning after the aunt died and started making family history discoveries that have greatly deepened their ties to their past.   Then, Anna Swayne and Matthew Deighton of Ancestry.com talk about the Ancestry features that are just about to disappear forever.  What are they?  Will you be affected?  Better listen... and fast!