Extreme Genes - America's Family History And Genealogy Radio Show & Podcast

Ep. 30 - World's Largest Family Reunion is coming to NYC!



Fisher tells about the discovery of the identify of a man who etched his mark on the pillars of a British mansion just before leaving to fight at Normandy.  Learn the remarkable way in which he was found.  Next, the chart of George Washington’s lineage was large, flowery, and beautiful when presented to President Ulysses S. Grant in 1873.  It was also fraudulent!  Hear who made it, why, and how he was exposed.  Plus, Hudson Gunn of BillionGraves.com makes a truly genie-world changing announcement about a new partnership that we will likely all benefit from for free, in the not too distant future! Stan Lindaas, our Extreme Genes Preservation Authority from HeritageConsulting.com shares the discovery of a remarkable story of his Civil War ancestor… one he could only find by going to where the man was held captive.  If this doesn’t make you want to plan an ancestral place vacation, nothing will! A.J. Jacobs of New York is planning the world’s largest family reunion, for New York City.  It’s a Guinness thing!  H