Foster Your Passion

Season 2 Episode 3: Jane Abrahams - You Are Your Brand



Jane Abrahams is the owner and founder of Jane’s Addiction. Jane has always been an organized person and it all started with her kids.  Running a household with three little ones, friends would come over and ask her where all of her 'stuff' was.  She began to share her secrets and so became Jane's Addiction.  ​Jane talks about how to create “your space” and make sure you have a domain. No matter how big or small someones house is, it is all about making a commitment to yourself; and she believes that it all starts with organization.  Jane gives expert tips on spring cleaning and the must haves for anyone that is starting to get organized… but her best advice is: Just Do It. ​Hayley and Jane talk about business, making sure you have a support system and how "you are your own brands ambassador" and how women just have a knack for 'getting $hit done'.    More About Jane: After hearing time and time again from friends and relatives how impeccably organized her house was with three young children at home, Jane rea