Omg Radio With Jamie Palmer

Online Business Ecosystem Building - Phase 2 Marketing



Phase 2 of building your online business ecosystem is all about marketing. This phase is essential to success because this is the point where you grow your community and begin converting it’s members into clients. The focus during this phase is dual purposed: Community Building Minimalistic Launching I would contend that there may be some overlap with this phase and phase 1 since when you go to launch you must have a community and email list to launch to. Otherwise you will hear crickets. During this phase you shift from creation mode into creative mode. This is where you get to be creative around how you are marketing your program or course. This shift should be intentional. While you will certainly go back to Phase 1 and make adjustments around the foundation, sales page, nurture sequence etc. It is imperative that you move out of the creator mindset and into the creatively marketing your products mindset. Often it is during this phase that imposter syndrome rears its ugly head and we feel a pull to go back