Omg Radio With Jamie Palmer

Action Taking And Simplification



I'm going to let you in on a little secret...if you want to scale your business to multi-six figures or seven figures you have to focus on one or two offers. You have to optimize the delivery and marketing of them. You have to create an incredible client experience. You have to wow them and you have to deliver tons of value!    But all too often I see a failure to launch. I see people create course after course and go through failed launch after failed launch only to circle back around and create something new again. Repeating the same cycle.    I see a failure to move into the marketing phase or a failure to even finish the launch full out (hello self-sabtoge since most people buy in the last 24 hours).    And here is the thing...I get it because getting visible is scary. Sharing your work with the world on the internet is scary because you know...internet trolls.   Self-doubt creeps up and it can be hard to overcome the feeling am I qualified, good enough, delivering enough value, is safe t