Omg Radio With Jamie Palmer

Habit Creation For Entrepreneurs Part 2



Today I am sharing part two of habit creation for entrepreneurs. In case you missed the first video you can check it out here. This video is all about tracking your progress, staying committed in spite of what comes up and enjoying the process.  I think a lot of entrepreneurs suffer from the mentality of when I get to x I will enjoy myself. The problem with that is that you are prolonging your happiness. You are putting off enjoying the now. I bring this up in relation to habits because enjoying the process is critical to creating habits that stick. If you aren’t enjoying the habit and therefore the process, then it won’t hang around and become automatic.  Ultimately the goal is just like one tiny part of this bigger thing we call life. I think it's total bullshit that so many of us live to just reach another goal. We live to get to the next level and ultimately we sacrifice our own happiness and enjoyment because we aren’t where we want to be yet. The destination isn’t the goal. The idea is to enjoy the jour