Intercepted Imperial Transmissions

Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: S3:E3



In today's episode, "Is Mario Pebbles still alive?" Why doesn't Boba Fett take his helmet off?  All his friends are doing it, I guess he doesn't want to be popular. In the Main Event, what's going on in the entertainment industry during Covid-19? The Librarian floats an idea for "Social Distancing" on set. We discuss the three faces of the Mandalorian, is he Voltron? Will CGI become the new 'norm'? The future of movie release dates during a pandemic. Here are some links to things we discuss: Darth Vader's REAL Voice General Patton did NOT sound like George C. Scott Life after Star Wars left the theaters So make sure you're socially distant, grab some boiled water and hardtack, and enjoy.