Simon Thoumire Make Good Art

Miss Carre's Reel / Miss Jessy Dalrymple's Reel



Here are two reels from the pen of 18th century fiddler and composer Robert Mackintosh (c 1745-1807). Known as "Red Rob", he was born in Tulliemet, Perthshire and has long been recognised as one of our foremost composers of Scottish dance music. There are 4 collections of his music containing 350 tunes. You can play them all in the amazing Highland Music Trust book 'The Mackintosh Collections' When I was learning these tunes I was amazed at the dexterity needed to play them especially Miss Jessy Dalrymple's Reel. I think I might be playing them at a more modern reel speed (!) but all the same they're difficult! Concerto Caledonia made a lovely album of Macintosh music in 2013 entitled Robert Mackintosh - Airs, Minuets, Gavotts and Reels which is well worth a listen.