Simon Thoumire Make Good Art

The Duke of York's Camp



Here are 2 jigs and a reel. The two jigs - The Duke of York's Camp / Mrs Roy of Nenthorn's Favourite are sourced in Hardie's 'A Fiddler's Book of Scottish Jigs' and 'The Reel of Tyrie' came from the Highland Music Trust's 'Highland Collections'. I recently purchased a copy of David Baptie's Musical Scotland, Past and Present: Being A Dictionary of Scottish Musicians From About 1400 Till The Present Time. Present time is 1894!!! Using the book I found out that John Clark who wrote The Duke of York's Camp was born circa 1740 and published a collection called Flores Musicae in 1773. Robert Mackintosh wrote Mrs Roy of Nenthorn's Favourite. He was also known as 'Red Rob' and was born in circa 1745. He published four collections of music - the first in 1792. The Reel of Tyrie was written by dancing master, violinist and composer William Christie. He was born in 1778 and he published a collection of seventy-one pieces - sixty eight which were his own!!