Business Reimagined With Danny Iny | The Mirasee Podcast

Trusting Your Hustle with Anthony Trucks



Entrepreneurs come in all shapes and sizes. You’ve got those who were born to it and others who had incredible mentors. The stars seemed to align for them. Then there are some who have to fight and hustle for every bit of ground they gain. It feels like no one cares about their dreams or passions, and no one is there to help or guide them. Are YOU a ‘foster child’ of the entrepreneurial world? Today’s guest, Anthony Trucks, was a REAL foster child, and he defied the statistics. Not only did he become a NFL football player, but he also went on to become a successful entrepreneur. He teaches other people to ‘trust their hustle,’ and how to get through the loneliness and hardships they face when stepping into the entrepreneurial ring. Discover: The heart-wrenching experience Anthony had that make him feel unloved and unwanted for most of his childhood. The 5 foundational bases you need to keep you stable as you go after your dreams. The revealing question Anthony asks people that helps them get their priorities