Business Reimagined With Danny Iny | The Mirasee Podcast

Policy and the Culture Killer with Nick Sarillo



Almost everyone loves pizza. Almost no one loves policy, especially employees. If you’re planning to grow a business, it pays to know in advance how your policies will affect the way your employees work for you, because that will affect your success. Better yet, don’t bother with policies at all. But are you ready to put your policy book in the company shredder? Today’s guest, Nick Sarillo, is the founder and CEO of Nick’s Pizza and Pub, a restaurant that boasts a turnover rate that is 125% lower than the industry standard, and Nick credits his management style and lack of restrictive policies for earning his employees’ overwhelming support… PLUS: The amazing story of Nick’s big failure, and the unexpected way he went against the ‘smart people in the room’ to turn it around How policy keeps you from being an effective leader Giving employees ultimate freedom while still making the right choices The all-or-nothing test to make sure everyone is on board with you This episode isn’t just for companies with larg