Business Reimagined With Danny Iny | The Mirasee Podcast

Branding Over Marketing with Glen T. Campbell



As a small business owner, how can you compete with the 800-pound gorilla in your space? Easy! You can be human. But you’re not going to accomplish that with marketing. You do it with branding. Do you know the difference between marketing and branding? does, and on today’s Business Reimagined, he explains why he believes that ‘marketing’ has become a dirty word, and why great branding is what will give you an advantage over everyone else. Glen has been honing his skills for nearly 3 decades with some of the top marketing agencies across the globe, and now works directly with leaders. You’ve GOT to hear his 3 step process to create a winning brand, and it starts with you, the CEO or entrepreneur: Understanding, Pulse, and Connection. Glen talks about how these 3 things will filter out through your organization, and into the minds and hearts of your audience. If you’re sick of false marketing and want to create something meaningful, you’re going to LOVE today’s episode with Glen T. Campbell. Key Points:  At 4: