Business Reimagined With Danny Iny | The Mirasee Podcast

Elements of High Performance with Todd Herman



There’s a lot of coaches out there who have one goal, to make you a happier person. But has a different take on coaching, and that’s not to make you happy, but to make you a master of high performance. Todd thinks that when you’re performing at your best in body, emotion, and mind, the natural result of that IS happiness. Whether or not you agree, you can’t argue with Todd’s results. His way of looking at  began in working with children, and his message was so strong it affected their parents, some of whom were business execs and influences. From there it was just a matter of time before Todd was working with them as well. On today’s Business Reimagined, Danny and Todd talk about the elements of high performance, how the mind works, and the simple Venn diagram he uses to explain business that not even MBA graduates can break.   At 3:00 – Todd talks about what sets him apart from other coaches, and it has everything to do with context over content. It’s the ‘ah-HA’ moments he’s looking for, where content beco