Business Reimagined With Danny Iny | The Mirasee Podcast

Donald Miller Reimagines Story in Marketing



If we were to talk to your audience right now, and ask them to tell us about you in two sentences, would they be able to do it? If the answer is no, that means that you haven’t given them the words to say, and more importantly, to spread to others. Today’s guest, Don Miller, had a moment just like that, and it was what sparked his creation of the  that has been used by companies like Pantene, Chick Fil A, and even the White House, to help them develop their brand through story. Oh, and it doesn’t hurt that Don is a best-selling author who has spent countless hours as a student of story. Key Points At 4:00 - Ever wished a marketing strategy would just fall in your lap? The Storybrand Framework is built on how the human brain works, making that possible. At 8:00 - Don talks about his 5 week retreat in a cabin in the woods, where he tore his way through a VHS library in his boxers, and how he figured out the Storybrand framework in his boxers. At 12:00 - Don explains why positioning your brand as the hero of the