Disney Travel Secrets - How To Do Disney

#97 - Disney VIP Tours and 2019 Predictions



Happy New Year Disney friend! It's the holiday season, and that means lots of crowds at Walt Disney World and Disneyland parks. On this show, Rob and Kerri share some VIP Tours you can take and avoid getting trapped into the crazy holiday crowds if you decide to visit the parks next holiday season or really any time of the year.  They revisit their 2018 predictions for the parks and share their 2019 predictions.  Plus, one final ARE YOU SERIOUS segment for the year SHOW LINKS: Become a Travel Agent with Rob & Kerri CLICK HERE to get on the waiting list.  GetUpside App: CODE: A67ZE Join our group in learning Italian. Download DUOLINGO and use code HH443C to join our DTS group learning Italian. LISTENER SPECIALS: Check out the exclusive Princess Collection by DesignZ by DeDe on MyDISTee.com - $10 from the sale of each shirt sold from this collection will be donated to Children's Dream Fund. Need help planning your next magical vacation. Please reach out to us or one of our Dream Builders Travel Group travel