86 Charles

Endangered Species



John Derby and Travis Spencer discuss the recent addition of seven species of Hawaiian bees onto the endangered species list.  At 6:56, they cover trending topics including James Madison University's 'Don't Say List', legitimization of a Mayan Codex, 2019: The New Ice Age, the World's Hottest Chip and the South Bay Cat Killer!  Then, at 27:40, Jesse McIntosh remembers John's fear of men having babies. At 29:46, the failed athletes discuss football, and more football!  At 44:11, your Facebook World News Update and Bees Remix.  At 47:00, Deb Loftis remembers her recent international voyage and how everyone along her path is afraid of Donald Trump!  Finally, at 51:36, Nunya drops in to deliver a story about touching another man's shirt. #bees