I Share Hope: Chris Williams

Heart and voice of a hopeful nurse with Joan Pons Laplana #isharehope Episode 81



  Joan Pons Laplana is a proud Nurse, a change agent and a Care Maker. He is on a mission to turn the healthcare system upside down and empower frontline staff & patients to lead together. Joan is also a Dignity Champion, a Dementia Friend and a PFD Champion. He is involved in promoting Equality and Diversity across all his activities. Recently he has also become an ambassador for the Mary Seacole statue appeal and very recently has join the HSCVoices Core Team. Joan became a Hubble (Change Day volunteer) and a Care Maker for the chance to encourage other frontline staff to make a difference and to convince them that you don’t need permission to initiate change. As a Nurse he tries to transfer his passion and ignite other people’s hearts, and hopefully inspire courage for others to take the first step to try to improve the place they work. He is very active in Social Media and in 2014 won the Nursing Times Tweeter Nurse of the Year. You can follow him at @thebestjoan Person-centered care is his passion. M