Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

100% Jodi: Taking Time to Process



In this episode I’m sharing some things I’ve been up to in the past year and what I’m doing for myself and my business in the coming months. For those of you who are new to Women Taking the Lead…hello and welcome! I’m Jodi Flynn and welcome to the Women Taking the Lead podcast. Being an executive leadership coach, author, speaker, workshop facilitator and I have the privilege to work with women leaders to hone the skills that will allow them to thrive in Senior Leadership. My absolute joy is to work with women who are still recovering from their last promotion. I am now settled in my new home in Norfolk, Virginia. And thanks to the beauty of technology, I’ve been able to continue to work with women all over the world as I transitioned from Maine to Massachusetts and on to Virginia. I do individual and group coaching as well as workshops and team retreats. I am the current President of the board for The Maine Women's Conference and on I’m the Board of Advisors for LeadHERship Global. There's Been a lot to Proc