Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

100% Jodi: Are You Afraid of Success or Are You Afraid of More Responsibility?



Are you afraid of success or are you afraid of more responsibility? In this episode we’re going to explore why success can be so elusive and why self-sabotage rears its ugly head in moments when success is within reach. I don’t remember when I first heard the expression “Fear of Success”, but I do remember being baffled hearing it. Why would anyone fear success? At that time, to me, success meant a great job with a fancy title, more money than I needed, being fit, being in a great relationship, etc. That’s a pretty fantastic list. Most people want these things or some variation of them. Where is the fear coming from? As I started getting closer to actually having some of those things a light bulb went off. That list of great things I wanted, they in and of themselves weren’t the problem. It was the thought of all the things that come with them that had me start pumping the break. In a nutshell, it’s the added responsibility that causes us to cringe and hold back. When you think about the life you want to be l