Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

100% Jodi: How to Face Our Leadership Challenges



What guides you as a leader when you are faced with a moral dilemma? In this episode I’m going to call out some of the dilemmas we are faced with as leaders and some perspectives you can take to help you through them.   Thank You to Our Sponsors! Zebralove Web Solutions: Your website tells a story about your business! At Zebralove Web Solutions, Milly and her team are going to make sure your website tells the story you want your customers to hear. Connect with Milly at zebralovewebsolutions.com to create the impression you want to make! Resources Accomplished: How to Go from Dreaming to Doing: A simple, step by step system that gives you the foundation and structure to take your goals and make them happen. Create Goals that are Worthy of you: If you are done with either pursuing vanilla goals, suffering through the struggle of goals that are not aligned with your strengths, or dealing with heartbreak of an unattainable goal this course is for you!