Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

Nicole Burgess on Being Highly Sensitive



Nicole Burgess helps introverted, high achieving, and/or highly sensitive women be exactly who they are meant to be. She is an empowerment and leadership coach for introverted and sensitive women and the host of the soul-filled sisterhood podcast. Her dream is to create a sisterhood, one sister at a time, with women around the world supporting each other in achieving their heartfelt desires and creating more inclusion, so that together we take the lead in our own lives. In this episode Nicole and I discuss... The highly sensitive and high achieving woman. The traits of a highly sensitive person (HSP). The #1 issue Nicole hears from her HSP clients and why they seek coaching. What creates stress for an HSP and what you can do to mitigate that stress. Some ways to be more empowered in a chaotic world. Managing the expectations of those who do not understand if you are an HSP. Links Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NicoleBurgessCoaching/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicoleburgesscoach/ Website: www.