Women Taking The Lead With Jodi Flynn

100% Jodi: How to Lead Yourself Through Crisis



March started off a celebration of Women’s History Month and ended with episodes on how to identify and support leaders who are struggling, especially now that we are in the midst of a pandemic. Ironically, the focus in March changed the week of the 5-year anniversary episode where I offered some perspectives that will help you to look at things differently so you could release some of the stress that you are likely experiencing. Changing your perspective, depending on the perspective you choose, can be like releasing a pressure valve. The next episode, which was the episode before this one, talked about the effects stress has on your system and why you may be finding it hard to function at your very best. I listed out some symptoms of a leader who is struggling and the mindset of a leader who, while being challenged in a crisis, can continue to function and grow in the face of those challenges. I know it has not been easy to talk about hard things but the way to the other side is through. We need to acknowle